Calendario de cultivo: Qué plantar en diciembre

Cultivation calendar: What to plant in December

What to plant in December? If you have a controlled space or a good greenhouse, you can start growing many delicious options.

Knowing what to plant in December is necessary to make the most of the weather conditions and ensure a constant production. During this month, greenhouse crops allow extended sowing and harvesting seasons, so it is time to understand the most recommended ones.

On the other hand, multi-tunnel, gothic and multi wide-span greenhouses are ideal for protecting crops from the cold and providing a controlled environment. This makes it possible to grow chard, garlic, carrots and more. Here are a few options.

  1. 7 crops to plant in December
  2. Tasks for the vegetable garden in December

7 crops to plant in December

When wondering what to plant in December, there are many interesting options. However, it is best to know those that can best withstand the season’s weather and welcome spring with the best harvests.


Plantar Acelgas en diciembre

We start with chard. Although it is planted all year round, many people choose it for December, as it withstands hostile conditions inside orchards and many greenhouses.

This vegetable has many nutrients, and is essential for any table throughout the year. If you want to grow it in December, start with a seedbed and then transplant when temperatures are average. 


We continue with aubergines. They are very delicious vegetables and are excellent to change in salads, to make stuffed or as part of the ingredients of many dishes. However, if you want to plant them in December, you should know what to do with them.

Although they withstand low temperatures, they are fruits that require sufficient light to develop. Start with a seedbed, add heat when necessary and transplant when they germinate. Also, remember to provide a soil with sufficient nutrients.

Beetroot Detroit

Plantar Remolacha Detroit en diciembre

Another option to plant in December is Detroit beets. In fact, it is also an alternative for the rest of the year, but you can start in the last month. It doesn’t require too much care and ends up being very delicious.

This style of beet is fleshy, sweet and adapts to many dishes. Of course, start with a seedling during the cooler season, but they will do well in the following weeks.


Who doesn’t love tomatoes? This can be the protagonist of hundreds of meals, as well as the perfect complement to several of the most consumed dishes. The irony is that they are sensitive to cold, but they are recommended to be planted in December because that is the time when their seedbeds are prepared.

On the other hand, it is recommended to have a heated seedbed to adjust the temperature to about 15 degrees so that the seeds germinate properly.


Plantar patatas en diciembre

What to plant in December? Let’s not forget about potatoes. In fact, it is considered to be a fabulous month to start producing a good crop.

Here you can follow a few tips and get your potatoes going quickly. It is ideal to cut them and leave a few sprouts on each piece and then dry the cut for 3 days until it heals. This will make them resist pests in the soil.


The months of low temperatures are recommended for sowing garlic. This foodstuff is essential for many preparations and having it in your garden is an advantage.

Of course, you will have to wait about 190 days to see the results of sowing, but it is possible to start in December and harvest later without any problems. It is a simple process: separate the cloves, place them in the soil at a distance of about 10 cm and plant them in the ground.


Plantar guisantes en diciembre

Peas are excellent for planting in semi-shaded areas, they are cold weather hardy and December is a good month to start them. They need a lot of nutrients to thrive, but with the right care, everything will be successful.

If you decide to grow them in greenhouses, you should control the space well so that extreme changes do not affect them. It is recommended to shelter them or start with seedlings and then transplant, but be careful not to let them get too much frost.


Among the alternatives of what to plant in December, we have asparagus. It is a long-lived plant, so there are gardens that have them for more than 5 or 10 years, which means that you can start with them at any time.

It is an excellent food for healthy and low calorie diets. To plant them you can start by buying seeds or asparagus spears. Once you do this, you should wait more than 2 years for your first harvest.


Plantar zanahorias en diciembre

To close, we have carrots. It is a food that does not need too much presentation, as you can find it in multiple preparations, including soups, salads, stews and more. It also has essential nutrients for humans and you can plant them in December without any problem.

On the other hand, depending on the area, there will be better times to plant. For example, if you are in a Mediterranean area, you can organise your planting at any time. Whereas if you are in very cold climates, you can do everything in late winter or spring.

And what time do they require? You can harvest carrots between 3 and 4 months.

Tasks for the vegetable garden in December

Now that you know what to plant in December, you should also be aware of some tasks to ensure that your vegetable garden is sufficiently cared for. This can be the following:

  • Protect crops when heavy frosts come.
  • Remember that some foods need more heating than others, even if you can start them in December.
  • Always remember to add compost.
  • An alternative to keep warmth in is to add straw to the bases and slits of the greenhouse.
  • You can go over and put bird feeders, nests and other options that help the auxiliary fauna in the gardens.

In addition to the above, always remember to choose structures that allow you to better control your sowing. For this you can consider quality greenhouses such as those from Fertri.

Among the options are the multi-tunnel greenhouse, the gothic greenhouse, the multi wide-span greenhouse. All are arranged in large spaces, resistant to extreme climates and perfect for winter growing.